Digital Detox – rowing a boat.

Bertejaure Fishingcamp in summer of 2017.
 Foto: Michael Muller

How can I describe Paradise? I start with a picture that Michael Muller took the other summer. Rowing a boat is a meditation and coming home to an open fire to make dinner from your catch – well need I say more?

My guests often return to me to get the kind of experience they had last year. And often they get what they expect. Michael did. He came back, for the third or fourth time since 2000.  All that long road, from Germany and back. And he was happy that Lake Bertejaure greeted him with a stillnes that superseeds all words. Silence is a natural way of talking. It applies to all languages.

Do you want to see the film that says it all? Click here!

And please have a look at this map:

This map was painted by Marita Norin in 2010, the artist that designed our swedish ten-krona coin.

I do not promise you a lot of fish or the greatest catch ever. I only promise you a place on earth worth a visit. But beware – you might want to return. Like Michael.



Urban Berglund, farmer and host of the Bertejaure Fishing Camp..

The houses at Breida Bay lie close to the water of lake Bertejaure. They can be your home for a fishing-experience. Please look at the pictures below. 

Thank You for the pictures Jonas Hellström. They are Rock´nRoll to me.

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